there is a seat at the table for you.
what is our heart behind this retreat?
social media creates an interesting problem for creatives. our creative processes are fueled by,
"what's trending online right now?"
"let me create a board for inspiration."
"what will get me traction in the algorithm?"
these questions are not bad in and of themselves, and can be good tools to utilize when running a business, but why are we fueling our art by looking to constantly changing factors that exist outside of ourselves? what if there was a space created by artists, for artists, where people are in love, your community supports you, and you are free to create with no agenda, no expectations, no outside pressure?
that's what we seek to create.
in this space, we invite the artist to come with brush in hand, to lay down all expectation, all outside influence and pressures, and breathe in life and creation. this is a space created for creatives to connect in the deepest ways we know how (by using our creative minds together). this is a space to not see our gifts as weapons and our fellow artists as competitors, but strive for unity in artistry.